Underground Inrush

Underground Inrush

Exposure to crushing forces or oxygen deprivation caused by the sudden ingress of liquids or solids underground.

Backfill Management and Control

Is a system of quality control and assurance established for backfill operations and materials?

Are all un-cemented/unfilled/flooded mined out areas identified and surveyed in the area I am working?

Draw Point Management and Control

Is supervision present during probe drilling activities?

Is unauthorized access to all draw points prevented?

Do I know the high risk draw points?

Is the muck pile stabilized before any maintenance or rehabilitation takes places in the draw point?

Entry Point Barriers

Are any indicators of potential inrush hazards identified by crews or present in work areas?

Are high-risk entry points identified and monitored for deterioration?

Ore Passes, Chutes, & Raise Controls

Are bulkheads periodically inspected by a competent person?

Is unauthorized access to ore passes, chutes and raise boring prevented?

Are methods in place to minimize the potential for the build-up of raise bore cuttings during the reaming process?

Are chute controls in a position so team is safe at all times?

Probe Drilling

Is there a bulkhead/physical barrier inspection plan?