Rail Impact on Person

Rail Impact on Person

Locomotive, rolling stock, or other rail equipment coming into contact with a person.

Access Control

Is the access control point operational?

Are all personnel present authorized to be in the location?

Have unauthorized 'on rail' vehicles and rolling stock been reported to controllers?

Equipment Maintenance

Is the maintenance log book for the equipment up to date?

Does the rolling stock/equipment appear to be ready for use (free from defects)?

Has a prestart check been completed for this rolling stock/equipment?

Have all critical action items recorded in the equipment log been actioned to closure?

Has a pre operation check list, that is specific for the equipment, been completed prior?

Is a current maintenance acceptance form available with the equipment log/papers?

Positive Communication System

Has the positive communication equipment to be used been checked prior to commencement of work/activity?

Have the switches been verified to be in the correct position prior to commencement of work?

Has the prestart briefing included a discussion on actions to be taken in the event of a communications blackout?

All personnel have confirmed that they are competent in the use of the positive communication devices available at the work/activity location?

Are the personnel present competent in applying redundancy arrangements for positive communications?

Do all the personnel present have access to positive communication devices?

All personnel have confirmed that they are competent in the use of the positive communication devices available at the work/activity location?

Securing Rolling Stock

Is rolling stock in the vicinity safely secured (stabled)?

Have the brakes on the rolling stock been effectively applied?

Does all of the equipment available at location present as serviceable for securing rolling stock?

Is my work area protected by a derailer or other engineered control? Is the derailer or engineered control secured?


Are the separation rules understood by all personnel present?

Activation of switching, brakes and couplings has been progressed without being exposed to potentially moving rail equipment? Prohibition of riding on rail cars/rolling stock has been discussed and understood during the prestart briefing?

Prior to commencement of work/activity have safe zones been identified?

During the prestart has the prohibition of loose shunting been communicated?

Are danger zones clearly identifiable on this network section?

Are safe zones clearly identifiable on this network section?

Are personnel following the procedures that preclude uncontrolled movements of Rolling stock (e.g. loose shunting)?

Signaling and Signage

Are the signals and signage in the immediate area working?

Is the required signaling and signage in the area consistent with current standards and policies?