Hazardous Substance - Acute

Hazardous Substance - Acute

Workplace exposure to substances that are immediately toxic, asphyxiating or corrosive (e.g. H2S gas, NO2 gas, CO gas, concentrated acids, caustic, etc.).  

Access Control

Are concentrated hazardous substances only stored & used in designated areas?

Am I authorized to work in this area and with this hazardous substance(s)?

Alarm Systems

Do I have a personal monitor for hazardous gases, where needed?

Is the stationary and / or personal monitor working?

Do I know what the  different alarms and tones mean?

Do I know where to evacuate, and is the evacuation route clear?

If no alarms are available, do I know how to recognize an upset condition? (e.g. ventilation failure, elevated pH in cell line)

Handling Requirements

Is the SDS readily available and do I understand what it requires?

Do I know the handling requirements of my hazardous substances?

Do I know what to do in the event of an emergency involving the hazardous substances being handled?  Is emergency equipment available (e.g. shower, eyewash)?

Is equipment/containers labeled indicating the hazardous contents? (name of substance, and type of hazard)

Are precautions being taken prior to opening pipes, tanks, enclosed cells, etc. that could contain hazardous substances?

Loading and Unloading Protection

Am I authorized to be in the loading / unloading area?

Have the contents of the delivery truck been verified?

Do I understand safe loading/unloading practices for the bulk hazardous substances?

Mechanical Integrity of Storage and Distribution

Are hazardous substances adequately stored and segregated? 

Are pipes or other distribution systems used for hazardous substances clearly identified and in good operating condition?

Engineered Controls

Are ventilation systems working as designed, and effectively controlling airborne hazards?

Do I understand the operational conditions required to prevent unintended release? (e.g. safe pH range, operating temperature, cell voltage, solution concentration, etc.)


Do I know the substances that I might be exposed to and the potential health effects of exposure to these substances?

Am I using the correct type of PPE for the task being performed? Note: check ratings, selection and use

Do I understand the identified health hazards in my area?

Have I ensured that the PPE is in good condition prior to use?