Interaction with Aircraft

Interaction With Aircraft

Interaction with manned, unmanned, fixed and rotary wing aircraft while in operation                      

Qualified Personnel

Do I have required competency to operate this vehicle/equipment and perform this task (current operator license, certification card, training certificate, etc.)?

Am I fit for duty (compliant with drug and alcohol policy, well rested and free from fatigue, free from stressful work-related or personal concerns that could potentially distract me from working safely)?

Have I conducted a pre-operational inspection prior to use (specific for the vehicle)?

Do I meet the recency requirements for this aircraft?

Have I taken action where critical (safety) items have been identified during the pre-operational inspection?

Aircraft Suitability and Maintenance

Is the appropriate  aircraft type being used for the work purpose and flight conditions? 

Do I have apporpriate storage for LiPo batteries? Is a fire extinguisher readily available in the field?

Does the aircraft meet all maintenance and airworthiness requirements?

UAS/UAV Pre Mission Planning

Have launch path and land/return path been evaluated during route planning?

Does mission plan account for aircraft failsafe/return home/loiter contingencies?

Have applicable authorities (site leads, program manager, air traffic control, etc.)  been contacted as necessary and given authorization? 

Is software/firmware updated with the most recent version available?  

Are non-participants briefed and excluded from launch/land/loiter areas? Note: all personnel in the flight path must be protected by structures or stationary vehicles.

Will line of sight be maintained throughout the flight?  In the event of a retun to home contingency, will the flight path be clear of all obstacles and hazards, and can line of site be maintained?  Is a visual observer present if necessary?

Has the area being traveled been barricaded or otherwise blocked to ensure unauthorized people/equipment will not enter the flight path/exclusion zone?

Positive Communication Systems

Do all personnel have access to positive communication devices?

All personnel have confirmed that they are competent in the use of the positive communication devices available at the work/activity area.

Is there an air traffic monitoring device in use? Note: a portable VHF receive only device is the only acceptable device for monitoring.

Fixed/Rotary Aircraft  Pre Mission Planning

Are ground conditions adequate (stable, demarcated, approved pad, etc.) for aircraft in use? Has a plan been developed to address inadequate conditions? Note: Consider improved/unimproved landing surface conditions. 

Does the aircraft and crew meet the requirements as specified in BARS?

Are weather conditions along the route acceptable? Are weather monitoring systems along the route functioning? Is a plan in place in the event of weather degradation?

Has a plan been developed for passenger loading and unloading especially in remote and primitive areas? Has it been communicated?